Monday, 13 October 2014

Almost a brush with fame

Yesterday an American tourist told me that in the movie "eat, pay, love", the eat part consists of Julia Roberts trying to find the perfect pizza margherita in Naples.
When I googled the movie I found that the pizzeria Julia Roberts chose is a couple of blocks from where I had a pizza margarita a few days ago, though I think hers was more up market than mine.

Another person who claimed to know about pizza told me that the pizza should not have lumps of tomato pieces. Indeed, the one I had in Naples had no lumps, but areas of red and white, being tomato and buffalo cheese, while one I had at a tourist trap cafe had bits of chopped tomato.
But isn't it possible that the Naples pizza used canned tomato? How can I get advice from an expert? Can I ask Julia Roberts?

The photo here is not a pizza, it is the local liquor, limoncello, made from alcohol, lemon juice and peel. Very nice when drunk after a meal.

Posted via Blogaway


  1. What are your plans for the final five days of holiday? Elaine

  2. Just wondering whether it was very nice when it was drunk or when you were!:)

    1. Freudian slip? Good whether drunk or not. Hope we can catch up at the Nov meeting.
