Sunday, 27 October 2013


There is a Dutch word gezelligheit (thé German equivalent is Gemütlichkeit ) it is difficult to translate, an attempt is "coziness", "cheerfulness".
An example was tonight when Bart took me to a concert in the local church, organised by a local musical society. There was a concert of works by Brahms with 3 distinguished musicians, Alan Weiss (piano), who lives and works in Leuven, and 3 international guests, Michael Flaksman (cello) and Dora Schwartzburg (violin).

After the concert, we (meaning the audience, the soloists and the organizers)  gathered at a bar for some intense and meaningful discussion over a glass or two of Belgian beer.

This is gezelligheit.

I had the good fortune to speak with Michael Flaksman, who is a seriously nice person as well as an excellent musician.


  1. Gezelligheit or Gemütlichkeit is what you are seeking when you are paying for an overseas journey. You are not over there for a long time but you are over there for a good time.

  2. You seem to have a knack for finding good nights out that involve church and beer!

  3. So are you ready to settle down to the routine of being home? Or are you ready to plan your next OS adventures??

  4. church + beer = convent. convent - home = adventure. wine x women = gezelligheid.
