Friday, 4 October 2013

Louis Dalle

Around Aubrac I saw a monument and the birthplace of Louis Dalle.

He lived from 1922 to 1982 and was sent to the Buchenwald concentration camp in World War II.
He survived until the end of the war and then became a priest, joining the order of Picpus fathers (which is the same one that St Damien of Molokai belonged to).

He became a missionary to Peru and a bishop. Apparently he lived with and supported the Peruvian Indians and died a violent death there.

A interesting story and someone I had never heard of.


  1. Hi Paul, I couldn't find the information about Loius Dalle on your link. On Wikipedia, I discovered he died in a bus accident:
    Regards Chris

  2. Indeed, officially a bus accident. He survived the concentration camps of the right wing but not the left wing guerilla attacks of the shining path. Vaya con Dios.
