Saturday, 9 November 2013


I can feel a small pain on the sole of my left foot. It feels like a small corn and it started a couple of months ago. Most of the time I can't feel it, but I decided to visit a doctor.

He said it was just an irritation between the skin and bone, due to age and rubbing inside shoes. His poetic, but not so helpful analogy was "it's like you kept opening doors with your nose. Eventually you would have a sore nose".

I have orthotics, but he is an orthotics sceptic. His argument is that the foot is a complex mechanism and should be made to work. Jamming it in with orthotics might not be a good idea, though some conditions might require it. He recommends soft padding in the shoe, and well made shoes. He likes some types of walking boots made in Germany, but they are not imported here. They are however available over the internet.

I think the boots I have fit very well, but the soles are worn out and I don't think it's easy for a bootmaker to replace them.

My kingdom for a shoe!!!


  1. I wear orthotics in my walking shoe. They have reduced the likelihood of me getting tendonitis from fallen arches, from which I was suffering even after limited walking.

  2. Zet uw schoenen voor de openhaard met een of twee worteltjes erin. Jij zorgt voor Sint Niklaas zijn paard en hij zal voor een nieuw paar schoenen zorgen.

    1. I wish you'd given Paul that advice a few days earlier. I could have benefitted my self. I could have put the carrots and shoes out for St Nick and his horse and it would have saved me $169 for my new Brooks Beast. Oh, I forgot. I don't have a fireplace!
