Tuesday, 6 November 2012


5 of us walked in to Santiago and arrived at the Cathedral at 4.30pm.
Tomorrow I'll apply for the Compostella in the morning and go to the pilgrim Mass at noon. An American woman in the tapas bar told me tonight that they didn't use the large thurible at Mass last Sunday, but they will tomorrow. We shall see.

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Location:Rúa de Mourozón,Santiago de Compostela,Spain


  1. Well done!

    Hope the thurible is out tomorrow.

  2. Hola Paul, what an experience, what an energy. Good preparation in Sydney and execution in Spain. Those moments you will never forget anymore. Congratulations. Some people will ask you:"Ready for a second one ?" When I read your blogs, do not say no but like the Chinese say maybe. Concerning the famous thurible. On the 5th of October 2010 we could be the witness of twice that event, spoiled pelgrims. Wish you such a terrible transfixed thurible experience. The speed is really scaring. Allerlaatste groeten aan je vele compagnons. Bart

  3. Paul, There's no reason to get incensed about having completed your mission, whether they use the large thurible or not. Chris

  4. Congratulations. Journey completed or perhaps just starting...?

    God bless. Mary Loz x
