Monday, 12 November 2012


I remembered that I have not mentioned the certificate I received after completing the Camino. Here it is.

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  1. I think you should get that framed when you get back.

  2. Yes definitely frame it and give it pride of place at home!
    It's quite an achievement after all! Elaine

  3. Hi Paul, Congratulations on becoming a successful Jacobite! You have been certified a friend of God, Our Father, and your Big Brother, Jesus Christ. However, the followers of the other Big Brother on TV should be certified insane. You have spent your time on the walk well; they have wasted their time in front of the TV. However, now it is safe to come home now that Big Brother is finished. An average million viewers per night should be given three months of our Fathers as penance for their three months of viewing Big Brother. Possibly for the final time until you return, enjoy the rest of your sojourn, Chris
