Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Camels and needles

This is a photo of me leaving Burgos, in front of the park near the university. This was used in the scene of the gypsies returning the backpack in the movie.
Yesterday I went to Mass at Burgos cathedral and ran into someone I had met at Orisson, which was a very pleasant surprise.
When leaving the cathedral, there were many beggars at the door, a little ironic since the Godpel for the day was about it being harder for a rich man to get to heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
I then had a strawberry smoothie in a cafe. I found a taxi driver easily to take me back to the albergue and she was more professional than the disheveled taxi and driver I got from the barman in the village.
Weather today was cold but sunny and no wind, so muchore pleasant.

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Location:Calle Real,Villayerno Morquillas,Spain


  1. Why so many beggars?? Have you come across others in Spain? Are they homeless people? gypsies? people who are down and out because of the economic conditions? It still seems strange that so much building seems to be going on -maybe all those new and empty apartments are aimed at visiting tourists? Elaine

    Are you almost at the half way point yet?

  2. Dag Paul, eindelijk is de computer vrij. Abby is back in town. Vooruit met de geit. Good that you have found the right balance back; walking, eating, drinking, sleeping and praying. The camino is beautiful and not for free. Professional beggars are more a normal scene in the south of Europe, lack of a national social system. Because you are not rich, paying your taxes, living in peace do not feel be offended by that kind of poverty. Some are not really poor. They misuse their capacities. Be careful because they act always in a group. Notice it but ignore it. Of course you are a camel with your rucksack and avoid the needles pricking your feet. Allez avancer. Bart
