Sunday, 7 October 2012

Domingo XXVII, T. Ordination

Went to 9am Mass at St Juan Bautista at Estella.
I think I was lucky to find a Mass that early, because most are in the afternoon or evening (meaning 6,7 and 8pm)
I was a little confused because today's bulletin had the text of the Gospel about the rich man and the camel going through the eye of a needle. But the priest read a different gospel. It seems that the practice is to put the text of the following Sunday in the bulletin, so you have a week to read it and think about it. Perhaps not a bad idea.
I got my first blisters yesterday, one on each heel. They are not too bad, it is my little toe that is causing the problem, even when I put a bandage on it. I will make today a day of rest and only walk about 10 km.
Yesterday I met the second person who started her Camino at Vezalay, near Paris. This means she had walked almost 1000 km before starting the Camino in Spain. How about that?

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Location:Ayegui - Aiegi,Spain


  1. Apparently St Peter the Apostle is patron saint of foot trouble. Hope your toe feels better after an easy day.

  2. Hello Paul. We hope after a good rest you feel well with your foot , thank you for the beautiful pictire the church at Spain are amazing!! Hasta pronto bendiciones disfruta
    Todo este tiempo. Saludos Amoaro

  3. We'll pray for your feet! God bless, Mary Loz

  4. Can you buy some toeless, heel-less sandals to change into the minute you reach each day's destination? You could even use them for a l-o-n-g and restful lunch break each day to give those blisters some relief. You need a pair of good old Aussie thongs for those tired and weary feet! I wonder what the pilgrims of old did to help their poor old feet! They would only had sandals in the first place. Elaine

  5. At you next beautiful little Spanish chapel could you light a candle for a precious little 4 year old, Elizabeth, whose funeral I attended today..... and one more for her devestated parents, Rodney and Vanessa, and her older brother who I've taught. Elizabeth tragically died two weeks ago in a boatng accident on the Gwidir River along with another adult member of the Nth Narrabeen Surf Lifesaving Club during an annual camping trip. Elaine
