Thursday, 4 October 2012


It was a hot day today and I felt it my legs more than the previous days. Someone said that the third day is the hardest, maybe they are right.
I'm staying in Pamplona at the Jesu y Maria auberge. This is a former Jesuit church that has been gutted and filled with beds and bathrooms. The photo above is the view from my bunk. A bit weird.
Pamplona is surrounded by fortified walls and has a maze of narrow streets bordered by 4 story medieval (I think) buildings. The central square was still full of people when I finished dinner at 9pm.

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  1. If I remember rightly no one starts eating until about 9pm in Spain. Hope day 4 is easier on the legs.


  2. Did you eat in the outdoors - as the Dutch man did in The Way??? Or maybe it's too cold there these days. Which village are you off to next? Have you found some travelling companions - or do you just talk to different people each day? How's the weather going for you? Maybe you're almost up to the spot where Martin Sheen turned off to stay the night with the Spanish 'bullfighter'. I wonder if The Way has brought even more pilgrims to The Cimino- people who hadn't heard of it before then???? Do pilgrims talk about their reaosns for doing it? Good luck with the legs tomorrow!!! Was the path downhill from the last stop - maybe that's what did it. Are you at the reasonable flat part now? I'm very much enjoying yourjourney from afar - but I'm glad it's you, not me, doing all that walking! Elaine

  3. Paul, slapen in een kerk is bijna slapen in de hemel. En de Spanjaarden gaan laat slapen, dus eten laat, maar staan vroeg op. Hou je eigen ritme met de andere caminostappers. Wel voldoende drinken als de zon fel brandt anders spierpijn. Bart
