Saturday, 20 October 2012

Lessons learned

Walking into Leon.
Last night a young pilgrim learned that drinking without eating is dangerous.
I learned not to stay at an albergue with a kitchen, where people can drink until late.
Meanwhile I am near Sanfelismo, meaning holy happiness.

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Location:Cimanes del Tejar,Spain


  1. Maybe you should have checked into the Youth Hostel at The Rocks as part of your preparation!

  2. Sorry Paul but I am a little bit confused with the order of villages you are mentioning. Are you before or after Leon ? Maybe the Hostel on the Rocks gave you extra wings. Salud San Miguel.

  3. In today's Sundau paper there was an article about the deluge and floods in one part of Spain - with apparently lots of heavy rain over Europewith more to come. Maybe you're walking away from it though. You've been on the Camino for 3 weeks today, haven't you?? We assume you did meet up with Michael!!! Have yo passed that hill of sotnes yet??? P.S. John M's service is on Thursday 10.30am. Elaine

  4. Have yo passed that hill of sotnes yet???

    Please reread as - have you passed the hill of stones yet???

    How many more weeks/days do you estimate you'll need to finally reach Santiago?? Elaine
