Saturday, 13 October 2012

Viloria de la Rioja

Staying at the albergue in Viloria de la Rioja which has a unique atmosphere. As they say, it is "apadrinado por Paulo Coelho" or "Paulo Coelho is the godfather of here" PC is a Brazilian who wrote a famous book about the Camino. I first heard of it from the Brazilian woman who sold me my boots at the Warringah Mall. The auberge here is full of books, writings, objects and paintings (such as the one above) and there is music playing all the time. Our patron has met Paulo Coelho and he tells me many people miss the Camino experience by spending too much time planning with their minds.
Remarkably, three people I had met before on the Camino have just arrived and we are waiting for the meal the patron is preparing for us.
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Location:Calle de la Bajera,Viloria de Rioja,Spain


  1. Inderdaad Paul, Sint Jacob is altijd daar. Je route is heel apart met het negeren van de grote plaatsen. De planning is dus perfect. Morgen of overmorgen onthou Tossantos, juist achter Bellanos. Echt de moeite met een grotkerkje. Viva the Spanish weather, in Sydney snow. Hier regen ! Bart

  2. Sorry Paul Belorado in plaats van Bellanos. Al die ossen in het Spaans.

  3. Hi Paul!!! you are almost there!!!ANIMO!!!!
    I came back from India and I am following your blog from now!! how exiting that you are there now!!! the best of it is to start when you cross the border to Galicia!!! it will be like paradise!!
    Animo campeon!!!

  4. Sounds like a memorable place - and it's great that you've met up again with 3 pilgrims who you've met before. Father Schneider made the news tonight -as you know he turned 99 and he was presented with a Guiness Book of Records certificate for being the longest serving teacher in the world!!! Elaine

  5. Sounds like a very memorable place! How nice that you've met up with three pilgrims who you've met before! Father Schneider made the news tonight - as you know he's turned 99 and he was presented with a Guiness Book of Records certificate for being the longest serving teacher -in the world I guess! Elaine

  6. I thought he has made it to 100!!! They had a function for him at the school on Friday night.

  7. Hi Sally, thank but it is a little way to go to Galicia. We should be in Burgos tomorrow. My Spamish is still basic, and all my sentences start with "tienes, quiero or puedo"!!!

  8. The weather was perfect today, blue skies and not too hot. Forecast is for the same for the next few days.
